Best month ever. I found the superpad 64 plus for 4 bucks, needed a cable but i keep a bin for parts it works great now.
Other great finds.
Sega Nomad with ac adapter and battery pack for $40.
Zillion, Fantasy world 2 and astro attack for sms all for $10.
Children of mana ds $2
Battletoads in battlemania, brain lord, shadowrun, star trek and ysIII for snes all for $15.
Dreamcast and crazy taxi $5
Also happy about my av switch from ebay. Its a joytech but $40 for 7 inputs and a much cleaner cable running made my day.
Oh and my brother dropped of a 13 inch trinitron. It needed a power cord, but again i had the part. It makes nintendo and sms look great.