Let's start off the month with some 8-Bit SEGA goodness!

King's Quest
Alex Kidd in Miracle World
Alex Kidd: The Lost Stars
Zillion II: The Triformation
Aztec Adventure
Penguin Land
Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?
Action Fighter
Shooting Gallery
Casino Games
Hang On/Safari Hunt
Monopoly (Mono Poly misprint version)
Great Golf

The total cost for this lot was $48, but there's 16 games so essentially $3 a pop. While some in there are only worth about that much (if that much) like great golf and Hang/On safari, the presence of a few midvalue games such as Quartet and Spellcaster I've been after, as well as more expensive games like the Alex Kidds and the surprisingly rare/valuable King's Quest port made this lot an incredible deal and a great way to expand on my tiny SEGA Master System collection.