Quote Originally Posted by Daria View Post
I'm just saying, there's a lot more concern for inanimate objects than there are for people in this hobby. Unless you're talking someone else's bottom line, then suddenly it's major drama.
You got that right and it is sickening, places like NA are ground zero for that kind of ego and abuse. Its more about the cash value than the item these days and all the seven deadly sins surrounding it.

Gameguy, I know the difference with a counterfeit and a bootleg, theyre close but different and both I happily support in oldgaming stuff now. The tactics and tantrums over at NA made that super clear to me. It plays back to what Daria said Iquoted to reply off of. Its all about the money now and Id rather see the whole process that currently exists get punished as its wrecking everything. I await the implosion just like with other hobbies wrecked over the decades by greed and if dead accurate boots and counterfeits move it along great. If it looks, sounds, and plays he same, thats cool. I know its not a popular stance with some but so be it. The money aspect has stopped me almost cold buying old games due to all the bs.