Quote Originally Posted by AMG View Post
DooM (Windows) 95 is my favorite classic PC freeware game.
Doom isn't freeware. They released the source code, but the data files are still copyrighted and all that.

Anyways, most of my favorites have already been pointed out except for:
  • Abuse (A great platform/shooter game with great atmosphere and an innovating control scheme)
  • The Marathon Series (Actually, I didn't much care for these games... but the storyline is well done, and the Mac guys certainly enjoyed these)
  • God of Thunder (A great Zelda-style adventure game with a lot of puzzles, humour and fun!)
  • Jetpack (A great Lode Runner-esque platform/puzzle game)
  • Squarez Deluxe (A strange puzzle game. Actually, not that great, but it's made by the same guys as the previous two games, so you might as well get this one while you're at their site)
