I went to the one in Charlotte, NC (Pineville actually) this weekend. Overall, I wasn't incredibly impressed, although I do have a few good things to say. The staff was incredibly nice and helpful. I don't think the two (college) guys owned it, but they behaved as they did. Prices/selection was better than GameStop, it is definitely the better of the two.

The "retro" selection was pretty weak. $20 for any game the general public has heard of (Zelda, Mario, FF, etc.). The SNES FF games were asking $32 I believe. I'd say about 40 NES and 40 SNES games in stock, but lots of doubles (5 or 6 NES Zeldas). There were some .99 NES games, but junk. Most SNES were sports. Very few Genesis. Maybe 30 2600 games. 10 Dreamcast. They had 2 or 3 import PS1 games. They were selling NES/SNES combo (pirate) units for something pretty reasonable ($30 or $40, can't remember).

That said, it is the ONLY *game* store I know if in the area that sells anything older than PS2.

They had a wall of controllers, etc. for older systems. My GF picked up a Genesis controller for 3.99. I picked up Donkey Konga 2 (12.99) and 2 Bongos for 2.99 a piece.

They professionally (not Game Doctor) discs for $3 I think, which is nice. When I went to go buy my game, the guy behind the counter went through a few discs, and gave me the one in the best condition.

Overall, hands down better than GameStop, but not quite as spectacular as I was hoping it would be (selection wise). Still looking for a good retro game shop in the area.