Quote Originally Posted by Trebuken View Post
You missed everyone's favorites:

Harvest Moon A Boy and A Girl
Innocent Life A Futuristic Harvest Moon

I have not been able to convince myself to buy these yet...


It would be cool to see a list of import RPG's playable in English. There are a tone of imports on ebay...
Disgaea: Afternoon of Darkness! Absolutely! I mean, if you're going to have FF:Tactics, Jean d'Arc and Wild Arms XF, you MUST have Disgaea!

And don't forget the Phantasy Star games in the Sega Genesis Collection!

Don't know about the Harvest Moons though... Are they really RPGs? Or are they just lame? My daughter loves all of them, so we own them all on GB, DS and PSP, but I just can't bring myself to play them... Weeding the garden? Milking the cow? geeze... No Grand Foozle to discombobulate means no interest from moi...

I love Jean D'Arc, Brave Story, Puzzle Quest, the FF remakes and Wild Arms... FFVII:CC was good too... I don't know that the Untold Legends, XMen Legends, Marvel:UA or Justice League games belong there, tho'... those are all more Dungeon Crawlers to my mind - not very much the classic RPG or Tactical RPG style...

I've been trying to find a copy of Dungeon Maker for a fair price for ages - having a hell of a time of it, too...