Quote Originally Posted by TonyTheTiger View Post
So I just got my copy of Mana Khemia 2: Fall of Alchemy from RosenQueen and something interesting to note. The Alchemic Art Collection might qualify as a separate SKU from the normal retail release.

Unlike the first Mana Khemia where the extra figure came in its own box wholly separate from the game ala a preorder bonus, what I have here is a large shrinkwrapped box about the height of a 3DO game but wider and thicker. It has the RosenQueen logo in the upper right hand corner and it's own box art. There's no UPC code anywhere but the back of the box details the contents like a normal collector's edition would. Inside is the standard retail package along with an artbook. I don't have the means to get a picture up at the moment but it's an especially nice package all in all.


Crappy cell phone picture.

Ooooh. I might have to order that online afterall.