This evening, I played the Katamari demo and finished the Unit 13 demo. Katamari is definitely impressive. It's very easy to control, unlike Me and My Katamari on PSP. Touch features aren't bad. The Katamari shape deformations are interesting to see from a technical point of view - not what I expected in terms of gameplay advantages, but it plays better than rolling a lopsided Katamari.

I tried giving Unit 13 another chance, but I'm still finding it kind of lame. It's almost like an attempt to be an American Metal Gear, but without any kind of charm or style. It's just bland and generic. It plays alright, but that's all it has going for it. It probably doesn't help that this time, it booted up without sound and I had difficulty shutting the unit off to reboot.

So do other PSP games actually look better? Do you get options for filtering and stuff? When I tried playing LBP, the only option I could find was to install updates. If the scaling is better on certified titles, what's a good PSP RPG for $10-15 on PSN?