Quote Originally Posted by IHatedSega View Post
I think if a game is on both the SNES and GENESIS you should go for the SNES version. The sound alone is the reason. I can play Street Fighter 2 with the L and R buttons on the front of the controller, which some people hate, and I can throw a hadouken with its d pad like I can on the Gen controller.
People must have more sensitive ears than I do. Bubsy only sounds slightly different to me, and SFII... well okay, its been years since I've played the SNES versions, but it doesn't sound noticably worse than the Saturn or PS2 versions to me.

There were, IMO, a few games that sounded better on Genesis. Aero the Acrobat for one (though this mainly because some levels had different music between versions, and I felt the Genesis was more appropriate).