Quote Originally Posted by stardust4ever View Post
I actually own Ninjabread man. Pretty hard in 200X to make a game that's more unplayable than ET 2600, but by golley they pulled it off!

I shoulda bought two of 'em: one to to keep in the shrinkwrap, since the cover art is literally the best frakking part of the whole game...
I picked it up for maybe $1.50 at a Gamestop, figured for that cheap, I'll take a risk of it sucking. It just amazed me how bad it was. This game would suck if it came out on N64. We tried selling it to a retro game store, they didn't want it bc they knew how bad it was. I found a place that eventually took it, but it took work to get rid of it. I kinda wish I'd kept it tho, just to show people how awful this game is.

By the way, ET on 2600 is unplayable, mainly cuz the developer tried to make a game way too complicated for what the Atari could handle. If he'd just kept it simple, it woulda been a hit. It's actually meant to be a story-based game that u beat, its just that the time it came out, it was way too early for a game like that. His idea prolly coulda worked well 10 or 15 years later, tho. Yea, that's right, I'm defending ET. The developer has said he had a creative vision and didn't wanna make just another pac-man clone. I respect that. I think it was just the technology wasn't there yet with that game.

But with Ninja Breadman, the developers failed so miserably to create a game that was in a style that the Wii was just built for. Shit, it coulda been made for the N64 and woulda fit right in with every other failed 3D platformer of that generation. This game is AVGN quality.