Interesting diversion from the peak of collecting discussion. Very nice selection of images there in that one mega post. Reminds me of some things (a few) I used to have in there with the SFC/SNES stuff.

I think it's safe to say unless it's so obscure of a dead system most people don't much care for or ever did about there's copies of games that have some to considerable value. Usually the more obscure I'd think it would have to be worth the heavy profit to do a one off, but when you get into GB anything or SNES stuff you can find copies at the $30 level or better with Gameboy. I know as I got an Alien Hominid GBA UK boot, epic amazing quality on the outside, inside too aside from the wrong parts on the board. The thing is you pegged it, it's not worth getting all crappy over, it's just a game and if you have a fake and never know, who cares... you enjoyed playing it right?

I'm really curious how many months or years until it really did hit when the problem people do push it over the top and start driving people off in mass.