A pretty exciting sales day today with Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon for Switch, PS4, and Vita. There's a CE version for every platform, and the standard versions for PS4 and Switch are open preorders. Standard Switch copies will be available at Best Buy too. LRG also has A Hole New World for PS4 up for sale and, bizarrely, a NES version of its soundtrack. The first batch for everything with finite quantities is already sold out, so check back at 6pm Eastern if you missed out.

I got a Vita CE of Curse of the Moon myself. I also recently got the last of my 2018 LRG orders: Defender's Quest, Dragon Sinker, Night Trap, and Siralim 2. But I'm pretty disappointed and frustrated in the fact that Night Trap on Vita is apparently glitched and unbeatable right now. Hopefully a patch will come, but it's pretty ridiculous that physical copies were manufactured of a broken game. It's not like it's even a long one to play through beginning to end.