Quote Originally Posted by bangtango View Post
What were they using for a Zelda II Level 5 boss over in Japan then?

And what sort of EXP point system did they have?

in the japanese version you fight a weaker version of jenefencer (helmethead) in level 2 who only has one helmet that flies around, in the japanese version you fight the two helmeted version in level 5.

also in the japanese version you fight mazaru (horsehead) again next to the ilusionary wall instead of the blue ironknuckles.

they also redrew barba in level 6 so he's not quite so retarded looking.

in the japanese version you can choose what skill you level up in every time you gain enough exp (ie ou can spend your first 8 love costing levels all on attack if you want) the game will only save your levels if you are balanced (ie 2 2 2 in each level) if you were 2 1 3 when you die/save you go back to 1, alternatively if you have 5 5 6 when you save you go back to 5 5 5. max level is also easier to get to as max exp is only 4k insted of 9k