Quote Originally Posted by Leo_A View Post
Nintendo has already said that the WiiU's controller will have less of an operating range than a Wiimote and that it won't be functional without the console. So if that post I was replying to was a prediction, which it certainly read as to me at the time, there is very much a right and a wrong here. They've already told us that isn't happening. It's a controller with a touch screen that can display what the system streams to it and is useless without being in close range of the console. Nothing wrong with wishing that would happen though, but there is reliable information that says it won't.
You are right, but there is room for reading between the lines. True, Nintendo has said it will only stream/play games within use of the console. But they didn't say what else it could do. It could theoretically stream only for 15 feet or so, but also have its own wi-fi for non-Wii U uses, such as browser control and the like. Here's to hoping it has its own SD card function, too.

And while it's just our opinions here so you're certainly not wrong to prefer a different look, I really think what they showed is vastly superior looking to those mockups. I really don't see them deviating from what they showed too much. It's a sleeker, curvier version of the current Wii that is attractive and compact. I don't see why they won't stick with it or would even be showing off a complete placeholder for the exterior design of their console.

Sure beats a console that looks like it was made out of Lego's (Just teasing, but there are areas of that mockup with the square lines, complete lack of curves, and that extremely thick USB/SD slot door that gives it that feeling).
How about making us both happy? Keep the current shape, but make it look like a NES? Fair?